Monday, August 18, 2008

Things we think, but don't say.

Sometimes I get so angry with myself for not speaking my mind. And I'm sure I've made others angry with me for not speaking my mind. I don't know what it is, but I remember when I was a little girl my mother told me to think before I speak/act. Perhaps I took that advice too literally, because there are times when I can have an entire conversation in my head, decide it wouldn't be a good idea to have that conversation in real life, and then I just say nothing.

Is that healthy? Probably not. Does it drive me crazy? All the time. My mind is constantly racing and maybe that's because it's so busy thinking about all the things I'm not sure I want to say! That could be the real reason I can't sleep at night. Like right now, it's almost midnight and I'm totally exhausted. Yet here I sit, wide awake, waiting for sleep to come and deciding to blog instead. Where is the logic in that?

Recently I took a little trip. I had a really nice time. Did lots of fun things. But there were so many things I DIDN'T do because I'm too much of a chicken to say what's on my mind! Seriously, this has got to stop. Y'all wouldn't be mad if I decided to start speaking up more, right? I hope not, because I feel a new age coming. An age of speaking one's mind. Of brutal honesty. Of not being afraid to take risks.

So look out, world! Cause "Dear, Sweet, Adorable, Chocolate-Covered Kimmy" is getting what she wants!

And you know what? Don't call me Kimmy!

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