Sunday, August 3, 2008

Always a bridesmaid -- sounds good to me!

A lot of single women my age might not agree with me on this. Maybe I'm strange. But yesterday my cousin called me to ask if I'd be a bridesmaid and I am PUMPED about it!

She's getting married in November and as soon as she told me about the bridesmaid dress & how I could go to David's Bridal to try it on, all the excitement began to rush over me. Yay, a wedding! I love weddings. I mean yes, at first it was getting to be a bit much after having been in/to a few of my best friends' weddings..... but I'm over that. My girls are happy with their hubbies and I am happy for them! I consider their husbands a new addition to my family or friends list so it's all good! As long as he treats her right, that's all that matters to me.

So today I went to David's and tried on the dress - it was gorgeous! People may complain about having to buy "yet another dress I'll never wear again" but think about it this way: what other occasion would give me an excuse to wear a fancy dress that touches the floor, and fancy shoes and sparkly accessories and get a fancy hairdo? Nothing, that's what! So I'll say it again -- I LOVE WEDDINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Okay... maybe that was a bit too much excitement right there, LOL).

Aside from the getting gussied up aspect, it's also quite an honor to stand there with the bride and be a part of the day she will remember for the rest of her life. So for those of you ladies out there who are dreading your next bridesmaid duty, I say SUCK IT UP! It's a celebration, so enjoy yourself!

I know I will.

1 comment:

Everything Lynne said...

I love weddings, too! I think for me, in my typical way of responding to things, is that I'm just bitter that it's not me getting married. But they're a ton of fun!