Many of you don't know this, but I have a secret: much due to the success of my cousin's vegetable garden, I am now in love with the idea of having a garden of my own. Problem is, living in an apartment with no balcony doesn't really allow for much outdoor stimulation. (Note: I chose this apartment because I am also terrified of insects and wanted to avoid them at all costs! So... I do realize the paradox here... trust me.) Nonetheless, I long to have a house with a garden where I can plant all types of flowers and veggies and green plants and then watch them flourish into my own beautiful and lush personal paradise.

Alas, that dream won't be a reality for a while -- namely until I decide exactly where I want to settle down -- but in the meantime I have decided I am going to start an indoor garden. These photos represent my very first attempt at growing something from scratch. Behold, my baby sunflower!! Isn't she the cutest thing you've ever seen?! I think I'll name her Sunshine. :-)

Here's a picture of her from another angle. You can also see that she has a little sister or brother growing in right beside her. Any thoughts on what I should name him?
The instructions told me to plant 5 seeds so does that mean I will have 5 mini sunflowers? That would be DAWESOME (or "awesome" for you non-Office fans)!
Anyway, I will keep you posted as my little Sunshine continues to grow... I am just so happy to see this much progress in just a week.... it makes me so proud... *sniff sniff*
So stay tuned for updates. Thanks for reading!

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