I have never paid much attention to the "Which city should you live in?" quizzes I've seen on Myspace and Facebook... but lately, I'm thinking it might be time for a change soon. Especially considering the upcoming election. If things don't start changing FOR THE BETTER in this country, I'm out. Ideally, that is. I've toyed with a few options and so far I've narrowed it down to the following:
- Move to Canada
- Teach English to Japanese students for a year (in Japan)
- Move to the UK, somewhere near London
- Save up some money, get rid of some debt, quit my job in 6 months or so and spend a year traveling (although I don't see how I could afford something like that)
Of these options, the Japan one and the UK one seem most likely. Although I don't know if I'd like living in the UK permanently... might need to at least pay a visit before settling on that one.
Any other ideas?
1 comment:
Ok- so you know my thoughts on this one, already. I don't know why anyone as bright as you is still hanging her hat on a "job" in the US when
a) you are not tied down to anyone in particular
b) you are old enough and wise enough to travel on your own
c) the world is waiting for you!
d) time is ticking by and, trust me, when you do get tied down to someone, it won't be as easy or as feasible.
So do it already! The first step was to move out of Baltimore. Now that you have been there for a few years and you have Disney on your resume (I noticed you didn't mention Silesky Marketing...... on your website), you can always come home and get a job or officially start your own company.
But first, save a few more dollars, sell your car, close up your "life" in Orlando and go! Go to Japan and teach. I love this idea. It's perfect for you. Didn't you study Japanese in school, just for kicks?
Go to the UK- although learning another language or doing something that is more culturally interesting is my vote.
I'm all for it. Go Kim, go!!!!
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