You know, I found myself going on and on to people today about Twilight (the movie) and realizing that no one cares nearly as much for my opinion as I do. But then I was sitting here Facebooking and realized I can BLOG about my opinions, and you people can read it or NOT read it, it's all the same to me!
So here is what I think about Twilight.
First off, I will admit that I didn't love it. However, after reading the reviews I read before seeing it, I did like it more than I thought I would. My main issue with the film was -- honestly -- Bella. I thought Kristen Stewart really could have gone a LOT more emotional with Bella and done a better job of convincing the audience that Bella really was in love with Edward. Most of the time she seemed like she was trying to keep her feelings to herself, and even when she was confessing her love for Edward, it didn't feel sincere. It just felt... uncomfortable.
Edward, on the other hand, has more wiggle-room because he's not human and he doesn't have human emotions. I think the movie could have done a better job of conveying his side of the story to the audience; at times the only reason I could accept some of his scenes was because I'd read the book and I knew what he was thinking at the time. I know the story is told from Bella's point of view but seriously, there were a TON of moments in the book where Edward shared his thoughts and feelings and opinions with Bella, and none of those things were really touched in the film. The audience was forced to figure out what they thought he might be thinking at certain points, and I didn't like that.
Some of my favorite things about the movie -- and I think Lynne will agree with this -- were the PRICELESS facial expressions. Namely Jasper. Now, I've always loved Jasper, even in the books. But to see him portrayed on screen in such a hilarious yet PERFECT manner, was just... there are no words. When Bella meets him for the first time, and he's got this look on his face like he just might have to go to the bathroom but maybe he's just trying not to laugh, while he's choking out "It's nice to meet you" so as not to inhale Bella's scent... WOW. Priceless. Seriously. I about died laughing... and you know, I think that scene was meant to be funny. If it wasn't, oh well. Doesn't matter, cause it was.
Also, I LOVED Alice. I think she was also portrayed perfectly. I think they should do a movie about Alice and Jasper. Actually the rest of the vamps had such small parts that I didn't really get a chance to know them in the movie, whereas in the book I felt something for each and every one of them by the end. Another part of the movie I think they could have focused on.
All in all, I'd give Twilight a B- and I think that's more than fair. I think this was a good practice run and if they had a chance for a do-over, it would be DAWESOME. I also think what they will learn and have learned from this film will greatly increase the quality of the second one, New Moon which they had better be in the studio working on right now. Oh, what? I didn't love Twilight but I still want more? Damn right. There's not enough mediocrity in the world to break my obsession with the Edward/Bella saga. Keep 'em comin Summit Entertainment, and next time BLOW ME AWAY!!!