Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Once more, with feeling...

There is something glorious about your first real non-Myspace blog post. It's as if you've been given license to share with the world (literally) any and every thing on your mind at that very moment. Which is what I intend to do with this post. So, sit back, relax and enjoy Kim's Random Thoughts of the Day:

1. It is really humid outside. My hair turned into a frizz ball just walking to my car tonight.
2. My personal trainer is one good-lookin' man.
3. I am taking a trip soon and I am very excited about it!
4. Why do people from NY always move to FL?
5. How did J and N find Lynne?
6. My great-great grandparents had thirteen children. That's a lot of baby-makin' right there.
7. Freelance work is keeping me busier than I'd planned, but I like it.
8. This gum I'm chewing has lost its flavor. I want to spit it out.
9. My new word for angry is MODERATING. As in, "I'm MODERATING right now." (That was for the DPI folks)
10. Okay, one more from the vault: "If you laid on the ground covered in cake frosting I wonder how long it would take for ants to come?"

That was pretty lame. But whatever, I'm exhausted so you get what you get. Until next time...


Take 5 Photography said...


Oooohhh Kim-isms. Always make my day :-)

Love ya darlin!

Kim M. said...

Glad you enjoyed them... love ya too girlie!

Everything Lynne said...


No, but seriously, how DID J and N find me? They are stalkers. It was through this networking website called Plaxo Pulse that my dad made me join, and there was an effing pending request for me to add them as a connection WAITING for me. Like I said, STALKERS. I can't handle it.